Federal Election Committee Asked to Consider Crypto Mining for Political Contributions

Federal Election Committee Asked to Consider Crypto Mining for Political Contributions
OsiaNetwork LLC has reached out to the Federal Election Committee (FEC) in the hopes that it will allow computer sharing for crypto mining for campaign donations. Osia says it would like to be the platform in which volunteers share their computer power to mine cryptocurrencies, which are then donated to political campaigns of their choice. At press time, the request is in a “public comments” stage.Initially published September 10, 2018, the venture’s request states, “OsiaNetwork would allow volunteers to support federal political committees by ‘pooling’ the processing power of their internet-enabled devices to mine cryptocurrencies. OsiaNetwork believes that enabling individual volunteers to so ‘pool’ the processing power of these devices would allow individuals to support their preferred candidates, which they would not otherwise be able to do.” Osia further explains that volunteers can use any registered device(s) so long as they are actively signed into the company’s website. Mined coins do not go to the volunteers themselves, but rather to the OsiaNetwork pool, which keeps a certain portion for company processing fees while sending the rest to volunteers’ choice campaigns. “Mining rewards will be allocated among OsiaNetwork’s clients proportionately to the number of hashes that each committee’s volunteers generate to solve the block that generates the mining reward,” the company says. “OsiaNetwork w... For Further Information Click on Below Button
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