BlockCrypto Expo - The biggest crypto-coins and blockchain event in Brazil

BlockCrypto Expo - The biggest crypto-coins and blockchain event in Brazil

BlockCryptoisheretostay. The biggest crypto economy and blockchain event in Brazil has gathered over 800 people, 16 exhibitors and sponsors, 30h of content and 50 speakers. The conference was a  major success and has received over whelmly positive reviews.

In 2019, Blockcrypto Expowillbeevenbiggerand more relevant to the market. The event will be held on the 16th and 17th of July attheFecomercio de Eventos Center in São Paulo and more than 50 speakers fromBrazilandabroadwillparticipate in workshops , hackathons , livestream, mentorships, live trading, networking activities, 30 exhibitorsandsponsorsfromBrazilandabroad,  inumerouspress channels and media partners,  loungeareas, business matchmaking , happy hour, entertainment e much more!

In thisedition, wewill approach many subjects such as blockchain tecnology, governance, ETF, bitcoin, ethereum, the future ofICOs, STOs, altcoins, criptoeconomy, investments, trading, lawsandregulations, mining, OTC and more.

Some wellknownnames in thenationalandinternationalscenehavealreadybeenconfirmedsuch as Rodrigo Cohen – CryptoEngineer&Trader; Gustavo Machado Gonzalez - Comissão de Valores Mobiliários Diretor ; Helena Margarido – lawyer, SuM Law partnerandcriptoenthusiast; Fernando Mauro Barrueco - lawyerand BOMESP founder; Solange Gueiros – blockchain developer, teacherand speaker; Richard Rytenband – CEO at Holding Timos andConvexResearch; Eduardo Guimarães - lawyerat Miguel Lins Advogados Associados; Stan Larimer – BitsharesandCryptonomex CEO e Michael Taggart –QuintricDirector.

The event will be very dinamic, withspace for interaction between the speaker and the public during a presentation, not to mention the practical workshops, meaning there will be plenty of moments for questions/answers and chances to learn about the most important and recent blockchain related subjects in depth.

Jointhemostvisionaryleaders, economy pioneers, investors, enterpreuneurs and enthusiasts from Brazil andthe world in discussing the future of the new financial and tecfinancial hnological era in thesecondeditionofBlockcrypto.
